Annually, St. John Lutheran Church here in Rochester, MI hosts a community event in the local park. There were more than 1,000 participants this year! What a glorious (but humid!) day.

There were a lot of opportunities to stick around after the service - free picnic lunch of hamburgers, hotdogs, bratwurst and salads, popcorn and ice cream! Vintage vehicles were on display as were decorated bicycles. The children brought their bikes so they could participate in the annual parade and perhaps win a prize. This year the cyclists seem to be all decked out as much as their bikes!

This year a new tent was available to artists to display their work. This included a display of Bible Journaling materials and a hands-on opportunity to complete bookmarks which were examples of how to Bible journal. Watercolors or pencils and crayons were used. Praying in Color materials were explained distributed, as well.
One of the highlights of the day was the stack of shoes in the worship area. Participants brought shoes for St. John's mission partner - Gifts for All God's Children. All loose change offerings also went to their work in Southeast Michigan.(Sorry, my photo didn't turn out well.)
Pastor's message recorded at Praise in the Park is at this link. - Praise in the Park Hope to see you there next year!
love seeing the Visual Faith things show up here too!