We hosted an ice cream social for the children in the neighborhood so Emmalee could make new friends........parking in the driveway for children only. Since that day the noises around our home include laughing children, slamming doors, and training wheels squeaking on bicycles. We've heard a lot of "I'm hungry," "No one wants to play with me," Awwww, do I have to....(whatever)" and so on. There are hugs and kisses and "I love you" messages as well. WHAT FUN!
Emmalee enjoys art so much and really likes my "art room," so I thought it would be fun to invite a couple of the neighborhood girls for an artsy party. I also invited 2 of my friends and one friend's daughter.

I thought it would be fun to share some of her work here as I boast a bit about her. I gave my sample the little girl who went home early from the artsy party.
Today at the park with Miss Emmalee
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